Honda CBR600F 1994 599cc

How much is it? Calls to 03 numbers are charged at no more than UK geographic rates and will count as part of any bundled minutes from UK landlines and mobile phones. Honda CBR600F 1994 599cc. Low mileage, exceptional condition. Scroll over the thumbnails to enlarge. Mileage: 10,154 Miles. Engine Size (in ccm): 599. Or

2001 Honda cbr600f 599cc Sports

2001 Honda cbr600f 599cc Sports. Scroll over the thumbnails to enlarge. Mileage: 14,000 Miles. Engine Size (in ccm): 599. Visit us for a test drive Spenders Motorcycles Kibworth Service Station Harborough Road Kibworth Leicestershire LE8 0RB Find out where we are. Good Condition, Some Marks and Scratches around the Bike and Dents in the Tank